There are 2 easy steps to taking part. We need your consent, followed by a few details about yourself, and about the organisation you are part of if sharing examples from your school, club or community group. This only takes a few minutes, and when done you can start contributing straight away.
To take part, simply describe the examples you want to tell us about on the online form, and upload any files. We suggest adding one example at a time but there is no limit to how many you want to send in. You are free to describe your examples in any way you wish. The form has ideas and questions we are interested in but these are optional. We hope that adults and older siblings will support younger children to share their examples, in children’s own words where possible.
The Play Observatory will email you a copy of your consent form and personal details you have provided. You will also receive a copy of the examples you have shared. The emails contain your own personal link to the survey. You can re-use the link as many times as you like to add further examples. Keep the link safe and do not share it with others. Contact us at if you have any problems.