
Kate Cowan explains the background to the Play Observatory and our aims for the project.

The videos of talks by the team, and our guest speakers, earlier this year at our symposium on pandemic play are now published online. Please read on to access them directly from the blog… You can also see them all in a Vimeo Showcase (a playlist, in other words!).

The Play Observatory Team has some exciting news!

Xai Sandhu

In this guest post, Xai Sandhu (age 10) explains the creation of HomeCool Kids magazine during lockdown, with input from XazQ Sandhu (age 12), Mahnoor Daoudi (age 10) and Aadam Rasul (age 12).

As we experience our second spring in the Covid-19 pandemic, over the course of the next four blog posts, Yinka Olusoga reflects on a year of her children’s play and leisure, in and out of lockdown.